Various - Als Die Welt Noch Unterging: German Post Punk Underground 1979-1984 LP


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Label: Tapete

Als die Welt noch unterging ("When the world was still ending") is a chronicle of the emergence and development of punk and new wave in German-speaking countries from 1979 to 1984. The apocalyptic sentiment around 1980 gave punk and new wave the necessary push. It led to an incredible outburst of activity and creativity. Against the backdrop of the nuclear armament, nobody believed that this world would have a great future anymore -- so suddenly everything was allowed, regardless of the consequences. This is the subject of a book by German author Frank Apunkt Schneider, in which he unfolds the history of the new German wave and the German punk underground right through to the regional, cassette and fanzine scenes. To mark the 20th-anniversary of this book, a compilation curated by the author brings this period back to life. Featuring tracks by Autofick, Carambolage, Siluetes 61, Hans-A-Plast, Kosmonautentraum, Holger Hiller, Die Zwei, Family 5 Tagein, Rassemenschen helfen armen Menschen, Lustige Mutanten, Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle, Neues Deutschland, Die Egozentrischen 2, Male, Bärchen und die Milchbubis, Die Zimmermänner, The Wirtschaftswunder, Palais Schaumburg, Cretins, and Konstantin.


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