All The Madmen - Early Tape Recordings LP


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Label: Vinyl On Demand

Our Review:

The moment the needle hit this record in the shop, nearly every customer wanted, no, needed to know what it was. The incredible cover of Alice Cooper's "School's Out" could cover the price of admission to this under-the-radar jammer, but this thing is chock full of icy synth and primitive drum machine. The songs are cold yet catchy and the vocals are delivered in a deadpan monotone. Essential for fans of the early work of Fad Gadget, John Foxx, Thomas Leer, The Normal, John Bender. This platter compiles multiple versions of "Living Is A Nightmare," "Superior Life," "My Head Is In A Different Place," and "Repetition," amongst other great tracks. Another shining example that V.O.D. really knows how to unearth some of the finest synth and industrial gems from the '70s and '80s.

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