Ego Summit - The Room Isn't Big Enough LP


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Label: 540

Our Review:

One of our all-time favorite Columbus, Ohio records, The Room Isn't Big Enough is the perfect entry point (or end-point for that matter) to the ramshackle scene revolving around Used Kids Records in 1990's. With five of the city's finest musical poets in tow – Ron House (Thomas Jefferson Slave Apartments), Jim Shepard (V-3), Don Howland (Bassholes), Mike Rep and Tommy Jay – Ego Summit commenced, producing a bounty of raw nuggets greater than the sum of its parts. Though each members' outlet at the time leaned rock/punk, this LP plays like a psychedelic hootenanny – from the brown acid spiking House's "Beyond the Laws of Man" to Shepard's epic comedown "We Got It All." An essential document from the godfathers of lo-fi. Highest recommendation!